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Setting up an FX alert
François Cosnier avatar
Written by François Cosnier
Updated over 3 months ago

FX alerts track "mid-market" exchange rate movements in real-time.

How to set up exchange rate alerts:

On the platform, you can set up exchange rate alerts and receive email notifications or have your Account Manager call when an exchange rate reaches your target rate.

1. From the dashboard, scroll to the bottom of the screen. You’ll reach the ‘What’s up?’ section and a table called ‘FX Market’. Click ‘View all alerts’ in the top right corner.

2. Click ‘Create an FX alert

3. Fill out the below details in the popup box:

  • The currency pair

  • Condition - choose between ‘superior or equal to’ and ‘lower or equal to’

  • Target exchange rate

  • Alert expiry date

  • Notification preference (e-mail or call from Account Manager)

4. Click the ‘Create’ button in the bottom right corner of the Alert screen

5. The Alert appears in the list of ‘FX Alerts

6. If the target FX rate is achieved, you’ll be notified based on how you chose to be notified – via email, or by a call from your Account Manager.

How to delete an exchange rate alert

On the platform, you can also delete exchange rate alerts.

7. Go to the ‘What’s up?’ section and the ‘FX Market’ table. Click ‘View all alerts’ in the top right corner of the table.

8. Hover over the alert that you want to delete and click the ‘red bin’ button that appears to the right of the alert.

9. Confirm the delete request by clicking ‘Delete alert’.

10. The system deletes the alert.

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